The route:
This is at the top of the Wenham Road hill. Just after that curve is one of the best descents and ascents on the North Shore.
Don't let the gate dissuade you from riding up Great Hill from this side. It's easy to ride around the gate by that opening without getting off your bike.
At the top of Great Hill preparing to descend the other side. Under good conditions (dry road with no sand) this descent can be done with no braking until the very end. Today was not such a day as there was sand everywhere.
Near the canoe rental place across from Willowdale reserve. The Ipswich River is mainly frozen still.
On Waldingfield Road.
On Belcher Street. I love this road for its twisty turns and very low traffic volume.
I usually take Chebacco Road up until the pavement ends here. It's so beautiful and quiet.
There's a nice path right where the pavement ends. If you want some solitude just venture down it a little ways and sit on a mossy log.
Coming back on Chebacco - more nice views.
West Beach. One of my very favorite places to stop. Those benches are ideal for looking out upon the ocean while enjoying your endorphin buzz.
Another from West Beach. The ocean was a very deep blue today.
A picturesque scene near Endicott College. That road has been nicely redone.
On Larch Row heading back.